Winterizing Your Corgi: corgi puppies for sale


corgi puppies for sale you are planning an upcoming trip or vacation and will be bringing along your four-legged friend along, be sure to take the necessary steps to ensure they have a safe trip. Before traveling with your Corgi, take a trip to the vet to ensure they are completely healthy and are up to date on all vaccinations. It is also a good idea to ask your vet for a recommendation of another vet nearby where you will be traveling. While you never want anything bad to happen, it is best to have this information in case of an emergency. With the veterinarian trip out of the way, you can begin packing things to make your Corgi’s trip easy. Ensure that their collar and ID tags are intact and up to date. Be sure to have a crate that comfortably fits your Corgi along with their favorite blanket and a small toy.

Traveling Methods

Whether you will be traveling by car or by plane you will need a crate to easily transport your puppy. If you are traveling by car, be sure to stop for regular bathroom breaks and exercise. If you are traveling by plane, you will need to present a certification of health to your airline. You can acquire this from your veterinarian. Be sure that your airline can accommodate your dog (this is something you should check in advance to avoid any delays to your trip).

What to Pack

Be sure to pack their favorite toys, snacks, and blanket to keep them occupied during the flight. Traveling for anyone can be hectic, and it can be even harder for pets that don’t understand what is going on. Be sure to comfort your Corgi and try to make them feel relaxed. Corgi’s is a licensed family-owned breeding company dedicated to breeding happy and healthy dogs. Our Corgi’s are cared for on our farm in southeast Kansas. Corgi pups are born with large floppy ears that fold down. As they mature, their ears will begin to rise and stand upright. Growing puppies may need a little help with getting their ears to raise, which is why many pups have to have their ears taped. Taping also helps to increase circulation through the ears. The AKC states that up righted ears for Corgis is the breed standard. It can take anywhere from 8-24 weeks for Corgis to have fully developed upright ears.

Here is how to tape Corgi ears:

Be sure to use masking tape to avoid adhesive getting stuck to your Corgi’s fur or potentially hurting their ears.Using 2-inch wide masking tape, lift your Corgi’s ears and begin taping around the base of their ear and slowly taping them upwards until the ear is standing completely upright. Make sure there are no folds in the ear while taping.

Repeat this on the second ear.

After taping both ears, you may want to reinforce the ears with the tape going across their ears. This is optional but can help ensure that the tape holds, and the ears remain upright. Simply take a longer piece of tape and put a band of tape in the front and back of their ears.

The tape can be left on for a week. After seven days, remove the tape and allow the ears to rest. If the ears are still drooping, you can repeat this process until they are standing upright.As the holiday season approaches, the leaves will begin falling off the trees, the sun sets earlier, and the chill of winter will start to set in. While you prepare by packing away your lighter clothing and bringing out thicker coats and traction boots- don’t forget your furry pal.The winter can have a significant impact on your corgi’s well-being, so it is important to take the necessary steps to ensure their safety and comfort throughout this season.

Here are a few tips for winterizing your corgi:

Jacket/Coat– While your corgi does have a fairly thick coat of hair, the chill of winter can still be quite uncomfortable for your puppy- especially for those living in colder climates. Equip your pup with an insulated jacket to help keep their body warm. Because corgis are a short and stocky breed be sure to check that the jacket you purchase will fit their specific body type.

welsh corgi dog wearing christmas costume hat in snowflakes

Paw Wax/ Booties– During winter, asphalt becomes much colder than the air temperature. Once the temperature drops, it is best to protect your puppy’s paws to keep them warm and healthy. Paw wax is great for active dogs that love to run around outside. It helps to moisturize your dog’s paws s they do not become dry or cracked. You may also want to purchase dog booties once it becomes colder.

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